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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 28, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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dagen: tomorrow right here the texas rancher here, elon musk free land to move twitter's hq to central texas. join us tomorrow. "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: happs now, explosive testimony on capitol hill. homeland security secretary mayorkas admits he does not know the whereabouts of all 42 terrorists illegally trying to cross the border. mayorkas are focused on a new disinformation board headed by a biden insider who minimized the hunter biden story and maximized hillary clinton's debunked trump russia. with us congressman rick crawford, dan bishop, economic expert tomas phillipson, former cabinet secretary bill mcginley,
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heritage foundation senior legal fellow hans von spakosky, president of the national border patrol council, he is brandon judd. white house topspin hitting the wall. economy shrank first time in two years. president biden trying to spin economic disaster he is not concerned about a recession, when wall street warns one could be just around the corner. democrats, the media claims they're all about free speech but now they are calling for a government crackdown on elon musk. tax and regulate musk out of existence. critics asked is that because twitter does not work in their favor anymore? gop lawmakers digging into documents teeing up congressional probe into hunter biden as they take back control of congress. the biden family accused of making millions of dollars off of secretive oil and gas deals, with dictators and enemies of the u.s. joe biden is now trying to shut down u.s. energy.
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reports coming in special counsel durham, considering potential fraud charges in his criminal investigation of hillary clinton debunked trump russia. also tonight, sheriffs warn crime at the border hitting record highs. this as the wave of illegal immigrants is now starting to flood the border. i'm elizabeth mack r mcdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: take a check of your money, stocks rallying in a broad advance. solid earnings from facebook's parent meta, adding more users than expected. amazon and apple earnings coming in strong. this is all coming in, this is teeing up against the news that the economy, unexpectedly shrank 1.4% in the first quarter. now, the president's trying to downplay this. he is claiming quote, enormous growth, then he blamed what happened on technical factors. but another quarter like this, we are in a recession. it would be back to the '70s,
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summer of stagflation, nixon and disco and carter, all that. now here is what else is going on. the federal reserve is expected to hike interest rates high agrees sieve half a percentage point. those are the targets we're talking about, drive down soaring inflation. this could happen next week. interest rate hikes, historically triggered recessions. let's get to edward lawrence. he is in washington with more. edward? >> liz, we're starting to see a drag on the economy because of inflation. the fist look at the first quarter gdp numbers, negative, down by 1.4%. now, the president saying he is not concerned abought a recession but acknowledges the growing numbers of banks predicting a future recession. the administration blamed big oil companies for inflation. they blamed supply chain issues. they blamed the invasion of ukraine. and made short-term solutions to push it down by releasing tens of millions of barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve. i asked if that had the intended
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effect? >> gas prices also did come down from the beginning as a result of these actions but we're continuing to explore additional options as we know the oil markets are global market and increasing supplies an continuing to work with other countries increase supply is part of our overall objective here. >> we're about 20 cents away from the record? >> well, again, we're continue to take steps to reduce the price of gas for the american people. every option, range of options remains on the table in spite the earlier question. we know that increasing supply and insuring supply meets demand on marketplace is part of that effort. we also watch closely for any attempt at price gouging. reporter: white house official telling me the economy is in a transition now from reopening growth we saw last year, to long-term growth as they describe it. again no pivot in any policies here because of numbers that we're seeing as of yet. elizabeth: edward lawrence thank you so much. joining us now, congresswoman ashley hinson from house budget
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along with former white house council of economic advisors acting chair, he is tomas phillipson. first to you, congresswoman. thanks for both being on the show. thanks for spending time with us. what policies they could possibly pivot to? what range of options jen psaki is talking about the range ever energy prices they claim. >> focus on energy domestic production, this administration from day one put up every single roadblock to make that happen. instead doubling down on climate change policies that the american people don't need or want right now. the american people are literally paying the price for the agenda coming out of the biden administration, speaker pelosi's office. paying it from the grocery store. filling it up my gas tank. when i filled up my minivan, it was over 80 bucks. family trying to put food on the table. they're hoping to get a raise at work. that is not covering the costs. they're paying price for failures of the administration.
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elizabeth: what it feels like, thomas, everybody in there, have a paper bag on their head, standing in the middle of the room just talking. believe what they say. we created 7 million jobs. that was after democrat led shutdowns destroyed 22 million jobs. the 7 million comes from the economy opening up. you look at quinnepiac. look at gallop polls, thomas. we're seeing americans are saying get out of your bubble, white house. stop with the bubble talk. consumer prices are staggering 8 1/2% rise in the past 12 months. senator chuck schumer he is saying fix to inflation is raising everyone's taxes, really? >> yeah. i think, i think it would have been a lot better off if they had done nothing, put it that way, what typically happens in a business cycle, such as we saw with covid recession that you bounce back very hard, or very quickly when you have a really deep recession, or a sort of downturn. so that every country in the developed countries did that. so that has nothing to do with the biden administration.
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the hard part now comes when, where you basically needs to stimulate growth. what the the biden administratin agenda send out a lot of money, barbies, economic terms, stimulating demand, cutting back supply. when you do both the things increase prices unfortunately. both those things have sort of ambiguous effect, which is what real gdp is, that we showed today is dropping. elizabeth: you know, congresswoman, the polls, for the democrats for the president, they're so far under water, they need scuba gear to get out. look at 76% telling gap lull, the economy is getting getting worse. inflation is a top concern. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer today are saying we'll 6:00 the sec on oil and gas guys. i feel we're back to 2010, obama through thunderbolts at oil and gas claiming profiteering. listen to this.
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watch. >> do you think that the public is blaming democrats or will continue to blame democrats -- >> i don't think the public, i think they're blaming oil companies. >> they won't take that out on your side midterms even if you pass this bill and prices don't get better, the perception -- >> i don't think what you say is making very much sense. if republicans stand in the way of us freeing, freeing the consumer of the stranglehold of big oil, you think they're going to blame that on the democrats. you think that. >> what's the public stranglehold on oil? >> yeah. it is absolute nonsense. i think the american people are seeing right through that. that is exactly why you're seeing poll numbers where they are. the american people realize that these policies are causing the shrinking economy. they're causing the rampant inflation. it's a predictable result when you put america last. when you put up all the roadblocks to american energy independence. and american freedom, right?
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americans are ready to take their lives back. we want to hold someone accountable. we're trying to do that every single day here in washington, d.c., holding the biden administration accountable. i want to remind over one they're having breakfast, sitting down to eat bacon and eggs, drink the glass of milk, that breakfast cost more than president biden's policies. that is americans talk about every single day. putting bags over their head back room. that is what americans feel. elizabeth: thomas, here is the thing, democrat-led shutdowns, right? that disrupted the supply chain. war disrupted supply chain too. when shutdowns happen, when we had props with china in the pandemic and our supply chains got rocked, when they did those shutdowns, answer was throw more money out the door, at least 13 states now including california, new jersey, new york, illinois, they are planning to use tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer covid relief funds to teach critical race theory, thomas. we reported two months ago,
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hundreds of millions of dollars in pork, a luxury hotel in florida, minor league baseball stadium in new york. this idea the only policy idea on their shelf is to flip is switch on our money that is what is going on? >> yeah, i think the inflation is clearly policy news. including the energy inflation which is not a pre-h pre or post-putin because the putin invasion is policy news. foreign policy taking place that is misguided. we had invasions during obama and biden but didn't have them under tum. common sense would tell you trump did something right. increase in energy costs now is completely, either a foreign policy failure or a fiscal and monetary policy failure. elizabeth: congresswoman hinson, thomas phillip son come back soon.
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republican law make remembers digging into documents call for a con investigational probe. house judiciary republicans tearing into dhs secretary mayorkas. whereabouts of 4terrorists caught at u.s. border, rather? talking about a disinformation board. this as mayorkas claims the border is under control. he will investigate himself? that new board headed by a biden insider who minimized the hunter biden story and maximized hillary clinton's debunked trump russia. we'll dig in next. stay right there. >> secretary mayorkas is absolutely incorrect in saying that he inherited a 2017 to 21 years under president trump were absolutely the most secure we've had. we have to get back to those policies. y pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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elizabeth: joining us congressman dan bishop from house judiciary. good to see you. you were at the second day of hears with homeland security secretary mayorkas today. what was the take on his testimony? >> that you can't penetrate his bureaucratic math to produce a glint of recognition about the humanitarian and security catastrophe that he has created on our southwestern border. you just can't get through.
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elizabeth: why? >> he just persists insisting the border is secure. that we have operational control of the border and he produces these amazing missives, he told jim jordan that he didn't know where, how we would had disposed of the 41 people on the terror watch list who had been encountered at the border, whether any of them were released into the country. couldn't answer that. couldn't say what he would say to the american people who don't understand, who are suffering as victims of crime for all the people he has unnecessarily and at his discretion released into the country. he is creating a disaster and with the disappearance of title 42, it is getting ready to move from a flood to just a deluge. i don't even know how to get a bigger word, he seems not to care, or not be concerned about the impacts on the american people, no matter how you go at it. elizabeth: watch what happened today. take a listen. look at this.
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>> my constituents wasn't you impeached because they believe you committed treason. are you ashamed for what you've done to this country? >> the response to what you have just said, it is so profoundly offensive on so many different levels. >> now 800,000 people have encountered your cpb agents, and those folks have been released into the country. like some of those people will commit crimes, aren't they? >> congressman, may have a moment to answer your questions? >> will some of the 800,000 commit crimes, yes or no? >> undoubtedly. >> have any of 42 illegal migrants on no-fly zone encointerred on the southwest border been released to the united states. >> i have data on imposition of each one. i do not know the answer to the question. >> you don't know if they have been released into the country that is your testimony. >> ranking member jordan, as i said before i will provide you the data. elizabeth: i'm sorry we're a generation from 9/11, right?
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how does he not have the data. >> that is exactly the point, liz. 600,000 got-aways. people that didn't come through any kind of screening. they're in the country. nobody knows where. ramsey ramzi yousef blew up the world trade center, came in a similar fashion was screened and released into the country because he had articulate ad credible fear of persecution if he went back to the country he came from. what about 600,000? what are waiting for? a mushroom cloud. the secretary again was too angry to respond to that. he ought to be mad on behalf of the american people at the danger they're being subjected to, not mad at questions. elizabeth: so he is saying, he finds that offensive. what is more offensive than a child getting slaughtered or murdered because of a criminal illegal alien? that is going on in our country. what is more offensive another terrorist coming across doing
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another 9/11? nothing is more of violation of his civil rights, sitting at your desk being blown up by a terrorist. the border is not uncontrol. they wiped out all of trump's border policies. they created this crisis. they gutted i.c.e. they lowered the standard for asylum-seekers. they're significantly reducing the detention beds. biden keeps saying that we inherited a crisis. he has been around since the nixon era. he has been a senator and also a vice president for eight years since the 1970's. this new disinformation board, congressman, they're talking about at dhs headed by mean i can't jiang -- nina jiang can which is. will this counter their own misinformation and white house topspin? >> there is something else we can barely touch on that, give the scale of the disaster at the border. this disinformation board, sounds like something right out
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of "1984". ministry of truth. wouldn't you predicted person who was to run it bought into all the big disinformation stories. said the russian dossier was believable. she said the hunter biden laptop story was russian disinformation. that is who they decided to make the you know, the disinformation control. elizabeth: you guys are in charge of the purse. we spend, u.s. taxpayers spend tens of billions of dollars on an army, thousands of public affairs officials already, working at government agencies doing the whitewash, ministry of whitewash and topspin. why do we need this board? this is a waste. your final word. >> this is much worse than a waste, liz. that is the point. turning mechanisms against terrorism in the country where they're fighting enemies on information. it is dangerous. elizabeth: got it, congressman bishop come back soon. democrats and media claim
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they're all about free speech, right? they're calling for a government crack down on twitter and elon musk. they want twitter to now hand over its algorithm to the government to regulate it. barack obama talked about that. hillary clinton with the e.u. style standards on twitter after what she did with trump russia. they even are talking about a wealth tax that europe ditched on people like musk. critics ask is that because twitter does not work in their favor anymore? we dig in next on "the evening edit." >> the thing is the enjoyment they get out of being in this town square is being able to harass people. elon musk, i guess, he misses the old south after bring can in the '80s. he wants that back. she always had your back... like the time she spotted the neighbor kid, an approaching car, a puddle, and knew there was going to be a situation. ♪
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♪ ms. hogan's class? yeah, it's atlantis. nice. i don't think they had camels in atlantis. really? today she's a teammate at truist, the bank that starts with care when you start with care, you get a different kind of bank. (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. when you start with care, we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be?
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elizabeth: check twitter's stock bouncing higher, going up and down. is twitter worth the $44 billion musk is paying given how the far left lunatics there destroyed the platform, "shadow banning," willy-nilly ad hoc decisions on the fly nothing to do with the purpose ever twitter. that is moving the business forward. now it has been a go nowhere stock since it ip owed in 2013. brings in five billion in revenues. facebook halted $100 billion
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annualized. kelly o'grady been all over the twitter story. doing great journalism. great to see you. reporter: liz, great to see you. elon continues to face critique from progressive lawmakers as twitter reported earnings today. the platform missed revenue slightly with 1.2 billion. beat monetizable users with 29 million. questions how he will make twitter profitable. big part, will more balanced platform will equate to more users and engagement. elon tweeting quote, for twitter to earn public trust it must be politically neutral which means upsetting the far right and far left equally. some suggest he could do this, changing policy to not deplatform users based on opinion and ideology. >> principle number one no viewpoint-based discrimination. you can't not discriminate somebody on the account of their expressed opinions. such a thing as false facts. you can prove that they're false. there is no such thing as a false opinion. reporter: novel thought, right?
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discerning what is false, a lot of manpower, profitability. as musk continues to facebook lash, town square vision tweet seen as attacking twitter employees. former dick coast tell low bully is no leadership. he said they need to be politically neutral. how musk will enable free speech and how he creates a profitable twitter and take humanity to mars. he will be busy. elizabeth: you're busy too. kelly, thank you. congressman rick crawford. you heard that report. we have democrats in the media. barack obama is saying this too. they want twitter to submit the algorithm to the government to regulate it. also the fcc commissioner just said no, we're not going to go after twitter because musk is buying it. the far left group that tried to push for that. what are your thoughts on that? >> well this sort of fits in what we were talking about in the previous segment where, my colleague was talking about the ministry of truth, this whole
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government control of speech, if it doesn't fit the narrative, we're going to control it. we're going to throttle down. we're going to limit. we'll do all the things. that is perfectly okay if you're on the left. i didn't hear him complain when billionaire jeff bezos bout "washington post" that was perfectly okay. i don't know what the beef is here. elizabeth: tolerant, intolerant, bullying left, they're so open-minded, their brains have fallen out of their heads you see the back of their skulls. senator elizabeth warren also using musk's twitter purchase. talking about enacting a wealth tax. msnbc didn't even push back on this. europe got rid of wealth taxes. they don't work. they hardly exist anywhere in the world. they may be in three countries. watch this. >> you have warned about the growing power of big tech. what do you see in elon musk's purchase of twitter? >> i see that we need to make two big changes. the first one is, we need a wealth tax in america. we need rules of the road for
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big tech. but ultimately what all this boils down to is power. who is going to have the power in our country? are we making these decisions as a democracy or will this be elon musk all by himself off in a room, a bazillion air who plays by his own set of rules. that is really what is at stake here. elizabeth: are we going to make these decisions as democracy. did you hear that? elizabeth warren makes all the rules. all of sudden msnbc discovers censorship. without any irony they want to taxes people into silence after democrats cheered musk's green energy and electric cars. >> as long as you're playing by their rules. she indicated she didn't like the rules changing now. she is the one that wants to make all the rules to fit their narrative. when you get outside of that, that is when she has the problem. the gall of these people talking about these billionaires when most of the folks over there talking about someone's wealth, they're all living in multimillion-dollar homes, have
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beach houses or whatever. they're last ones need to be talking about working folks and tax brackets and things like that. elizabeth: yeah. the moralizing left, right? in their ivory rich towers. we have florida, tennessee, texas, they're now tweeting at elon musk, move twitter to our low tax red state, out of high-taxed california. see that from marsha blackburn, greg abbott and also florida's top, you know finance official in florida. we've also got this. senator john kennedy was really lighting into what is going on with elon musk and twitter, the blowback against musk. let's take a listen to this. watch. >> what he is saying to the wokers, ones who run twitter, you can't censor points of view that you disagree with. that's the way america works. that has not been the way that twitter has worked. everybody knows it. including the woke executives who run it. that is why they're so upset.
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i hope, i hope, i don't think, mr. musk is going to back down. i say what i think. and i have that right as american and if you disagree with me, you're entitled to disagree with me. that is what makes america work. >> i love that. >> that is what twitter has been missing. >> gee, what a concept. your word on that congressman? >> first off twitter is not the only platform out there, number one. number two, i don't know why the left is so upset. as you indicated before they loved him talking about the green new deal and electric cars. reality is, elon musk is politically agnostic. if he is anything he is probably libertarian. he wants to do his work, make business, do his money, be left alone. nothing wrong with that. most americans agree, pursue the american dream. twitter is the be all, end all of social media. if we can't control it, take the ball and go home. that is what it amounts to. elizabeth: hysteria, ran a "washington post" headline, biden's tech agenda gets rety
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check, musk bites twitter. where do they pull these headlines? rick crawford, good to have you on. come back soon. coming out of the bottom of the hour. new developments in the hunter biden scandal. republican lawmakers digging into the documents, does it spell trouble for the president. latest details next on "the evening edit." >> joe claims he has no knowledge of hunter's business dealings, so he did have knowledge and he glad out lied about it. or he is paying for legal fees and has no idea what he is paying for.
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elizabeth: welcome to the show, former cabinet secretary bill mcginley, sir. thanks for joining us. we have got gop lawmakers like darrell issa, really digging into the documents to tee up an investigation into hunter biden's overseas business dealings. what is your take on all of this. >> i think these documents on the computer, all the electronic
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data they have there from the emails to the text messages to the photographs and other calendars, this is giving them a clear road map what they need to look at when they take control in january. let's also remember that we've had recent disclosures that the white house visitor logs are showing that hunter biden associates meeting with then vice president's staff, the question what was discussed at those meetings in addition to all the air force two trips, that hunter biden took with his father overseas, that the allegations are this was nothing but business development for hunter. this is going a lot of different directions. none of it is good for the white house. elizabeth: joe biden has talked often about how he was the poorest man in congress. at one point he had a negative net worth. now suddenly he has got, i think three houses, and you know, he is now multimillionaire. he says off his book and speech deals. we understand that. let's watch president biden here. president biden: great pleasure being listed as poorest man in
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congress. as we talked on the way over, what got me involved in politics. i got into politics got involved in politics i think greatest sin anyone can commit is abuse of power, whatever that power is, power of a teacher, the power of a doctor, the power of a leader. when someone is relying on you, you cannot, just, abuse of power. elizabeth: what about this abuse of power? why was it okay for president barack obama to allow joe biden to fly as you point out with his son hunter, nearly two dozen air force two flights to do millions of dollars in overseas deals, many of them oil and gas deals for the biden family on the side with nations like communist china, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, secret service protection, selling access into the obama state department and what else? >> look. this is the real problem for the biden white house because the number of allegations and the scale and scope of these allegations is expanding, it is, they're not shrinking.
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so this is something, a lot of defense attorneys understand that a lot of these doj investigations, some of them end in a whimper if your client will get cleared and not charged. not a bang. where we seem to be headed towards now is some sort of bang next year. one important thing to remember, for your viewers, is that there are policies in place at the department of justice where indictments and other activities can't happen during election, election sensitive times. one of the things we're probably going to see a drop-off in the activity as we head towards those times. all of these allegations are expanding. you just said it. whether assets of the president. whether it is the trips that hunter biden went on and all of the information in the laptop that had, that have not been disclosed. i think all we're seeing is a small sliver of this, a lot more to come. elizabeth: the biden family made millions of dollars off of overseas oil and gas deals while biden was undercutting, he is undercutting u.s. energy. joe took in a lot of money after
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he left. he bought really big houses. we're supposed to be believe joe and hunter never stalked about the chinese government business partners, any other foreign business partners. many of whom joe biden met with private dinners and parties, golf outings. other thing millions of dollars poured into the biden family, not just the president's son. foreign sources tied to really corrupt governments like ukraine, kazakhstan and mexico. cefc, chinese energy conglomerate, big player in belt and road push to dominate infrastructure, that was hunter biden's business partners. >> yeah. elizabeth: president's brother jim, cashes in, he and his wife lavish shopping spree, funded by one set of family of the chinese business associates. >> all the different threats you listed come back to one core issue. that is the allegation that the president's son got business deals from foreign governments
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and individuals for access and policy changes by the u.s. government. and the information that is coming out continues to point back to that central allegation. that is really what the american people need to be concerned about. is the president's son compromised? does the chinese foreign intelligence service no more than we do? same with the russian intelligence? elizabeth: yeah. >> we really need, america's national security is at stake, we need to get to the truth, get to the bottom. elizabeth: striking. never been here before where we have active justice department grand jury probe into the son after sitting president for alleged money laundering, tax evasion and violation of foreign lobbying laws. bill mcginley, terrific. come back soon. border community are slammed by biden's border collapse. they're running out of detention beds and shelters. a report from the border ahead. special counsel durham he is considering potential fraud
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charges in investigation of hillary clinton, the team and their debanked trump russia? we break it down next on "the evening edit". i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? with ringcentral we can pull bonnie up on phone, message, or video, all in the same app.
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jo joining us now, we like this guy a lot, heritage found daigh, senior legal fellow hans von spakosky. you're a straight-shooter. we love it. we have these reports coming in, special counsel durham, doing criminal investigation of hillary's trump russia. may be considering fraud charges. has to do with computer researcher, pentagon darpa contract hillary got to track internet traffic out of white house and trump campaign. could they be considering, with that fraud charges against the hillary team? >> well, yeah, they could. particularly if they were closely involved and it looks like they were through their law firm in what these researchers were doing. remember, these georgia tech
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researchers had a contract with the government, particularly with darpa, the defense research agency, and they were abusing their government access to spy on and gather up internet traffic of the trump campaign and donald trump. all of which, was a potential violation of federal law. nod only that, liz, keep the other thing in mind, they have been withholding documents from john durham, the dnc and the hillary clinton campaign and fusion gps, hundreds of documents claiming they're privileged, attorney/client privilege and yet the dnc and hillary clinton just agreed to pay a 100,000-dollar penalty to the federal election commission for basically lying on the reports they filed with the fec when they claimed that the money going to fusion gps was going
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for legal work. they basically admitted it wasn't for legal work. elizabeth: when you leak to the media, gps fusion, is opposition team. leaking to the "wall street journal," "the washington post," "the new york times," to cnn, more, abc and slate. >> right. elizabeth: also to your point, durham's team, they have interviewed reportedly former pentagon darpa workers. you're right, they were using, hillary's team was using computer researchers working on an existing pentagon darpa contract, they were supposed to be protecting the white house from cyberattacks, right? instead they flipped it around to use it for hillary's trump russia. that sounds like fraudulent misuse of classified government data. what do you think? >> potentially is. in fact the federal statute on computer crimes specifically deals with someone who has access to a government computer but abuses that access and goes beyond the work they're supposed
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to be to in essence get other information. we have potential criminal violation of the federal computer statute. elizabeth: you know what? hans, sort of like it is so big. it is staring us right in the face? >> it is. elizabeth: hillary's team created trump russia charges. tried to push the doj, fbi, cia to investigate trump. at same time, went to the media, tried to climb the government was investigating this because they started it. there is a hit-and-run on trump without the fingerprints. that is what hillary's team clearly wanted. then you have fusion gps telling a "wall street journal" reporter go call adam schiff. this feels like a big, gigantic conspiracy charge push that potentially durham could bring. we don't know. what do you say? conspiracy? >> oh, i think there was, a huge conspiracy going on to manufacture, a false, a false story about russia trump collusion and they tried to get
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not only all these government agencies, law enforcement, intelligence agencies into it, well then they "borked" on getting the media to -- worked on getting the media to report on it so they could damage the trump campaign. this is all coordinated. the center of the cord names was the perkins coie law firm which of was acting as general counsel for the clinton campaign, dnc and who brought fusion gps in all of it. elizabeth: john durham is no joke. he worked on the whitey bolger case and cia waterboarding. he is a serious guy. hans, come back soon. the white house is considering redirecting veterans affairs resources meant for our military veterans to the to the border. border sheriffs are reporting that crimes are at an all-time high at the border. the white house is on track to get rid of trump's pandemic era border policy. that could happen next month. coming up next on "the evening edit." >> we will not lose operational
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okay, critics say the president is not president of one caucus, he's also president of the entire nation, president of the border community these communities have been slammed by biden's border collapse. they are running out of detention beds and shelter space for migrants and sheriffs are warning crime as at the all-time high. we'll take you back to brian llamas at the border in texas with more. >> good evening, dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas says the biden administration is effectively managing border crisis but i spoke to to mexican-american business owners here in eagle pass the border and they say while one of them says his name is justin, he owns a business catered for parties for kids as young as 12, everyday dozens of migrant cross illegally through his business into the u.s., leaving trash and articles of clothing left behind by migrants after crossing the river.
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an owner of kumo fitness who says migrants illegally cross over, walked into the u.s. behind his business. >> parties have been and about 70 crossed all at once. you don't know if they are sex offenders, they are just trying to get caught. >> how come you're not listening to my voice? i am directly affected by this, it's hard enough to get customers, i don't need it causing me to lose customers and eventually go out of business. >> earlier today fox news captured and exercised between dps and border patrol working together with mexican state police for the first time here in eagle pass, they coordinated rapid response in the event of mass migration event. they expect plenty of those this summer. elizabeth: always terrific journalism, you do such good reporting, we are grateful you came on the show will have you back again soon. joining us now, brandon judd,
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president of the national border patrol. your reaction to brian's report there? >> i'm sick to my stomach, i'm sick this administration lies to the american public. secretary mayorkas effectively manage the this? effectively managing means giving control to the cartel than they are doing a great job because that's all they've done, they're leaving stretches of border uncovered. they are leaving small businesses like we heard there to fend for themselves. they are completely abandoning the american public solely for the purpose of their political base. that's disgusting and should never be allowed to happen here. elizabeth: they are claiming they are humanitarian, what do you say to that? >> they are not, they are encouraging people to put themselves in the hands of dangerous criminal cartel. we have had 11 drownings this month alone in del rio. we have drowning and people left
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in the desert to die because they can't keep up for the sole reason of not being able to keep up, these are the policies they are encouraging him to do, in the hands of dangerous criminal cartels. elizabeth: we seen graphic photos of migrant slaughter and murdered and we have active criminal cartel gang warfare, the mexican army to come out and deal with it in the white house and we are redirecting veteran affairs resources away from military veterans for biden's border collapse. >> it's necessary but is it appropriate to take resources away from the va to help the start of the border? >> these decisions and discussions about what resources are possible through the interagency process clearly having support and resources for nations veterans is a top priority to the president but we want to take steps even as we
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anticipate increase in migrants coming to the border to keep the american people safe and this is part of that effort. elizabeth: that was unknown answer, didn't answer the question. your response? >> of course she doesn't, that's all she does. she talks in circles. i got a father who is a retired lieutenant colonel who relies on this, a brother retired military veteran who has va services and when you take away from them, they are the ones who suffer, it's our veterans who will suffer because this administration caused this crisis and isn't willing to do what's necessary. when you look at the pillar plan, it's a joke. it's an immigration plan, it's not a border security plan. they know the only pillar that talks about removal, they know removals do not work and that's why we did away with them under the obama administration. everybody knew how to game the
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system, cartel know what they're doing and the cartel should are generated williams of dollars on human misery based on our policy. elizabeth: thank you for joining us, good to see you. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness, that does it for us, we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: oh lord, i hate to say it but the biden administration is officially a nightmare, not enough they want to control your health, your education and finances. now they want to control what we say, what we hear and what we think, to all under the guise of protecting you. the news came out yesterday as if by accident, the home and security team alejandro mayorkas spying on capitol hill about the border nest.


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